Access to 25 tools for creating Printable Exercises and Tests
Crossword, Domino, Wordsearch, Mandala, Frog Jumps, Number Sequence, Bingo, Operations, Memory Game, Representing Fractions, Number Line, Puzzle, Find Halfs, Dice, Letters, Fraction Operations, Place Value Operations, Snakes and Ladders, Uno, Game of the Goose, Answer Messages, Grid Drawings, Set the Time, Complete the Words, Exámenes.
Access to 15 tools for creating Applicable Exercises and Tests
Crossword, Domino, Wordsearch, Frog Jumps, Bingo, Operations, Memory Game, Puzzle, Find Halfs, Fraction Operations, Place Value Operations, Snakes and Ladders, Game of the Goose, Set the Time, Complete the Words.